Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great joy that I come to you with the LIVING OUR FAITH, BUILDING OUR FUTURE capital campaign, our first diocesan campaign in thirty years. The Diocese of Fargo has a long history of deep faith, rooted in our tradition of education, evangelization, and service. This campaign seeks to bring all of these traditions to new levels, now and for our future.
As you may know, we have recently taken over the mission and operation of the Maryvale Center in Valley City. For many years, Maryvale has been a place of refuge from the temptations and distractions of the modern world, a place to more fully embrace and explore our Catholic Faith and our relationship with Christ. THE LIVING OUR FAITH, BUILDING OUR FUTURE campaign will ensure that we, and those who follow us, will be able to experience the grace and blessings of this special place in the Diocese of Fargo.
Our campaign will also provide for our retired priests through their pension and their housing. We propose to build a residence for them here in Fargo where they can remain active in the life of parishes and throughout the diocese while enjoying a well deserved rest after their many years of service to us, the faithful of the Diocese of Fargo. Finally, the campaign will infuse much needed funds into each parish, helping to fund capital improvements, ministry and evangelization, and education for all ages.
I invite you to review the goals of the campaign, to join me in embracing this wonderful challenge, and to do our part toward ensuring its success. Trusting in God’s Providence, I am confident that his saving work will continue through our commitment to the LIVING OUR FAITH, BUILDING OUR FUTURE capital campaign. I ask all of you to consider a sacrificial gift, over four years, that will have a historic impact on the Church in the Diocese of Fargo right now, and for generations to come.
Finally, I ask each family to make this campaign a priority by offering your time and talents in your own parish. As we are all one family in Christ, I ask that we come together as a diocesan family and work for the success of our common mission to grow in holiness and bring others to faith in Christ. I ask you today and always to keep this great venture of our Church in your personal intentions and prayers.
With gratitude for your generosity and with prayerful best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. John T. Folda
Bishop of Fargo
The Living our Faith, Building our Future Campaign seeks to address the needs of the people and clergy of the Diocese of Fargo both today and tomorrow. We know that as a vibrant, growing diocese, we must set plans in place today that will serve us into the future. These include providing a dedicated space for the enrichment of our Faith in the Maryvale Center, safeguarding the retirement of our clergy through their pension plan, and providing a home for those clergy, who, after a lifetime of service to the Lord and the people of our diocese, wish to retire in community with their brothers in Christ. (see "case elements", on the right, for more detailed information)
Donations can be made payable to:
Living our Faith, Building our FutureCase Elements:
Campaign Prayer
Campaign FAQ
Financial Transparency
Gifts using an IRA
Gifts using Stock
Ways to Give
GGA vs Campaign
Congratulations to these parishes who have achieved goal: Aneta, Sacred Heart Buchanan, St. Margaret's Carrington, Sacred Heart Enderlin, St. Patrick's Fargo, Cathedral of St. Mary* Fargo, Nativity Fargo, Sts. Anne and Joachim Grand Forks, St. Michael's Grand Forks, St. Mary's* Hankinson, St. Philip's* Horace, St. Benedict's* Jamestown, St. James Basilica Lisbon, St. Aloysius Maddock, St. William's Mayville, Our Lady of Peace Milnor, St. Arnold's Neche, Sts. Nereus and Archilleus Oakwood, Sacred Heart Park River, St. Mary Pisek, St. John Nepomucene's Reynolds, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Selz, St. Anthony's Sheldon, Our Lady of the Scapular Thompson, St. Jude's Valley City, St. Catherine's* Veseleyville, St. Luke's Warsaw, St. Stanislaus Wimbledon, St. Boniface* Windsor, St. Mathias Wyndmere, St. John the Baptist
Christine Goodwin
Executive Director
Guidance In Giving
[email protected]
Steve Schons
Director of Stewardship / Development
Diocese of Fargo
[email protected]